Sustainable development

Sustainable development at SPOLCHEMIE is based on human resources, our employees and three basic pillars:

The Environment

encompasses the GREEN SPOLCHEMIE programme and all our activities that reduce our environmental impact and help us use resources efficiently, whether it is the use of state-of-the-art technologies, the development of environmentally friendly products, or activities towards the environment, such as purchasing or waste management.

The Society

relates to our immediate surroundings, the city of Ústí nad Labem, and to the public. Our goal is that SPOLCHEMIE, despite the proximity of our premises to the city centre, will be positively received as a good, beneficial, trustworthy and safe neighbour.

The Economy

focuses on strengthening the economic situation of SPOLCHEMIE, increasing profits and strengthening our position on the market and deepening customer relations. Quality is also part of customer relations.

Our sustainability concept includes close cooperation with employees, suppliers and other business partners, who are encouraged and motivated to follow similar sustainability principles. Health and safety is an equally important priority.

As part of our sustainable development efforts, we have set ourselves targets to achieve.

In the Environment pillar, reducing greenhouse gas emissions is key – we want to reduce our carbon footprint (Scope 1 and 2) by 40% by 2030. We also want to reduce pollution – by 2030 we have a target to reduce specific waste production by 20% and reduce specific wastewater pollution by 15%.

In the area of corporate social responsibility and safety, our main objective is to reduce the incidence (serious accidents and hazardous conditions) in production by 50% by 2030, and in the area of human resources to reduce the accident rate (with incapacity for work of more than 3 days) by 60%.

In economics, our main goal is to increase our revenues by 50% by 2030.

Note: Objectives for 2030 have been set in comparison with 2020.


In 2024, SPOLCHEMIE has been awarded a Gold Medal from EcoVadis, one of the the worlds’ most trusted providers of business sustainability ratings. We scored 78, which places us among the top 5 percent of the companies globally and among 2 percent of the companies in the sector globally. 

More than 130 000 companies globally have been rated by the EcoVadis assessment that covers 21 sustainability criteria across four core topics: Environment, Labor & Human Rights, Ethics and Sustainable Procurement. More

We believe that for future sustainable development it is important to prevent damage to nature and human health in a preventive, systematic and effective way and to develop modern and environmentally friendly technologies.